The Bryant Retreat offers rest and time out in a quiet and nurturing environment overlooking Whaingaroa/Raglan Harbour. For sixty years, the Bryant Retreat for Women in Raglan has been offering women a free stay of up to eleven nights for complete rest and relaxation. If you are a woman living in the Waikato Region who is feeling worn out, run down or exhausted and would like more information, talk to your GP about a possible referral, or contact us.
Each Retreat lasts for up to ten days (11 nights) this time can be shorter, if necessary, by arrangement. If you have stayed at the Retreat before a second stay may be considered if two years have passed since your last stay. The Retreat is located in Cliff St, Raglan. Some parking is available at the Retreat and there is also roadside parking. There is also a Raglan bus service, Route 23 from the Hamilton Transport Station.
The retreat offers private rooms for sleeping and relaxing, shared bathrooms and common areas for eating and lounging. There are a maximum of six guests at a time as well as the Retreat team. For the comfort of other guests there are no visitors allowed at the Retreat. There is no alcohol or recreational drug use permitted at the Retreat.
The Retreat is not a health or disability service and cannot provide medical or mental health treatment or support. Guests must be medically and mentally well enough to take care of their own day to day needs.
The retreat is not suitable for women who:
Living in the Waikato Region including Hamilton City, Thames/Coromandel, Hauraki, Matamata-Piako, South Waikato, Waipa, Waitomo, Taumaranui and Taupo.
Aged between 25 and 70.
Applicants outside this age range will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Who do not require assistance to move and who responsibly self-manage any medication they need to remain physically and mentally stable.